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More Stress? More Support!

Navigating the journey of surgery, whether you're just starting to plan or you're navigating the post-op world, can feel like carrying a heavy mental load. That's where I step in to lighten the load. With a heartfelt plan crafted from personal experience and deep understanding, I'm here to offer you unwavering support through every twist and turn of your surgical journey.

If surgery is a new frontier for you, it's natural to feel like you're stepping into the unknown. Having been through several surgeries myself, I've gathered a wealth of insights, tips, and real-life lessons (yes, even the ones learned the hard way!) to share with you. It's amazing how a calm and prepared mindset can significantly ease your pain and anxiety, reducing the need for opioids and decreasing the risk of complications like infections or falls. Patients who are mentally prepared tend to recover quicker, without overstepping their boundaries.

Despite the critical role of mental health in recovery, it's often overlooked in the medical field. That's precisely why I founded my coaching practice—to fill this gap and provide the mental health support that's so desperately needed. Together, we can make your surgical journey less daunting and more empowering.

I help you:

1. Plan for a successful surgery: what you need to know before surgery to encourage peace, healing and less anxiety,

2. Nutritional needs: food is the fuel your body uses for healing well and combat common occurrences like constipation,

3. Thought work journal specific to surgery: Interesting questions to ask ourselves to get out of default/negative thinking.

4. Saving the best for last: one-on-one online coaching once a week!

Major life events, such as weddings or welcoming a new child into the world, are significant milestones that stay with us forever. Similarly, undergoing surgery marks a pivotal moment in your journey, opening the door to a new chapter with your transformed self. It's a path filled with discovery, growth, and adjustment. We understand that adapting to these changes isn't always smooth sailing. Some may find themselves wrestling with feelings of sadness, feeling disconnected from their own body, or experiencing a sense of betrayal by those they trusted during their surgical journey.

We're here to extend a warm, supportive hand to those navigating life post-operation, especially if you're grappling with these complex emotions. While you might not find yourself needing every planning tool we offer, our coaching services are designed to delve deep into your personal narrative. Together, we'll explore your relationship with yourself and unearth what you truly aspire for in the chapters ahead. Our goal is to provide you with "More Support," a compassionate, thoughtful, and empowering companion on your road to rediscovery and healing.


Hello! I am Aubyn. As a certified Life Coach, I am dedicated to supporting individuals who have undergone surgeries and are in need of guidance during this challenging time. Having undergone numerous surgeries myself, I understand how disruptive they can be to family life and how they can challenge our sense of self. I am here to offer empathetic guidance and coaching to help you regain a sense of peace and control.

Laptop Typing on Bed

One-to-One Coaching

Personalized Online Coaching Sessions

The online coaching sessions are designed to provide you with personalized care and support that you can access from anywhere. I know that your time is valuable which is why our sessions are a great use of your time, and my personalized approach ensures that you get your needs met. Faster than reading a book to try to pick out what applies to you, and better than some 'pop-social media therapy', working with me one-on-one is like working with a private tutor for your brain.

My Services

“We are not thinking machines that feel, we are feeling machines that think”

― António R. Damásio

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